Entries from 2007-05-01 to 1 month

File Dependency graph and RGL

RGL provides easy manipulation of graph: require 'rgl/adjacency' g = RGL::DirectedAdjacencyGraph.new IO.foreach(ARGV.shift) {|line| if line =~ /\s*([^\"]+)[\"\s]*->[\"\s]*([^\"\[\;]+)/ g.add_edge $1, $2 end } p "vertices: #{g.num_vertices}…

File Dependency in "Graphviz dot"

The visualization tool "dot" turns file dependency in a diagram. Given root file(s) , a ruby script below visits dependency files to put directed edges in a "dot" form: out = Array.new while path = ARGV.shift File::open(path) {|file| while…

"irb" for Windows Me

My old Windows Me does not like the installed "irb.bat" script. Work around is to copy it to "irb" and edit to remove several top and bottom lines as below: 1,4d0 < @echo off < goto endofruby < #!/bin/ruby < # 24,26d19 < __END__ < :endofru…