Entries from 2018-01-01 to 1 year


3 CleanupRobin


3 CleanupRobin


4 Cleanup 1 TurnRobin - Katie


4 CleanupKatie + Robin


6 Cleanup3 Turnsonly paper for litter traysKatie + Robin


5 CleanupIsabella + Kate


ParConc Ch 2Lyle + Bib + Big-guy


6 Cleanup2 TurnIsabella


4 Cleanup 2 TurnsIsabelle + Mannie

PDX Func Prog Study Grp

Ch 1 & 2 (halfway through) - Par & Conc Prog in Haskellrpar and rseqdeterministic/non-deterministicthreadcode installation challengingLyle and a new member Michael Heyman


4 CleanupMannie many black kittens remain.(Robin on vacation)


3 CleanupRobin (Holidays like today 7/4! they come early)Hannah + Kacy

CAT Day11

4 Cleanup 1 TurnMaggie & Robin

CAT Day 10

11 Cleanup + 0 Turna lot of kittens adopted these days: 20 todayRobin back from vacation She recommended Chihuly Garden and Glass Exhibit in Seattle

CAT Day 9

13 Cleanup + 2 TurnRobin on vacation

CAT Day 8

Playhouse 9 cleanup Robin on vacation

CAT Day 7

Playhouse - Just sweeping and moppingCatnip Alley 4 Clean 4 TurnsRobin on vacation Kasey Jones volunteer 8:45 - 10:15

CAT Day 6

Playhouse 2 Clean 1 TurnCatnip Alley 4 TurnPaper scratcher to be recycled in the kitchen Spray liquid at Catnip Alley moved to a back hallway Robin left early 11:00 am

CAT Day 5

Not so busy - 2 hr work

CAT Day4

Clean 3, Double turn 3, Turn 1Double turn - (Spray + Wipe)*2PA - Playhouse Assistant

CAT Day 3

Playhouse AssistantAdel - arabic nameRobin8 Clean - 4 Turn

Viva Village Interview Call

Lay Coleman 503-644-7414: Someday next week

CAT Day 2

Manny - Care GiverRobinClean 4 + Turn 0


悪因悪果 阿諛便佞 暗愚魯鈍 唯唯諾諾 陰鷙鉗伏 内股膏薬 玩人喪徳 偽詐術策 魚遊釜中 拱手傍観 曲学阿世 軽慮浅謀 傲岸不遜 厚顔無恥 高視闊歩 刻舟求剣 時代錯誤 前倨後恭 漱石枕流 朝真暮偽 田夫野人 俛首帖耳 皮相浅薄 百依百順 腹心内爛 旁若無人 無為…

Cat Adoption Team & Viva Village

CAT: 1st day at work Robin & Adel Check-in, Kitten Playpen (Catnip Alley) Food & water trays Change latex gloves for every cage Stool # - urine Y/N Litter, clay or paper Clean 4 + Turn 4 Viva Village: 1st letter Jean Corn, cc: Kathy Brown …

Cat Adoption Team

CAT: Interview 11am-12am Nancy Puro: Volunteer Manager, nancyp@catadoptionteam.org Teri Weisennberger, Outreach Assistant, teriw@catadoptionteam.org