CAT Day 6

Playhouse 2 Clean 1 TurnCatnip Alley 4 TurnPaper scratcher to be recycled in the kitchen Spray liquid at Catnip Alley moved to a back hallway Robin left early 11:00 am

CAT Day 5

Not so busy - 2 hr work

CAT Day4

Clean 3, Double turn 3, Turn 1Double turn - (Spray + Wipe)*2PA - Playhouse Assistant

CAT Day 3

Playhouse AssistantAdel - arabic nameRobin8 Clean - 4 Turn

Viva Village Interview Call

Lay Coleman 503-644-7414: Someday next week

CAT Day 2

Manny - Care GiverRobinClean 4 + Turn 0


悪因悪果 阿諛便佞 暗愚魯鈍 唯唯諾諾 陰鷙鉗伏 内股膏薬 玩人喪徳 偽詐術策 魚遊釜中 拱手傍観 曲学阿世 軽慮浅謀 傲岸不遜 厚顔無恥 高視闊歩 刻舟求剣 時代錯誤 前倨後恭 漱石枕流 朝真暮偽 田夫野人 俛首帖耳 皮相浅薄 百依百順 腹心内爛 旁若無人 無為…

Cat Adoption Team & Viva Village

CAT: 1st day at work Robin & Adel Check-in, Kitten Playpen (Catnip Alley) Food & water trays Change latex gloves for every cage Stool # - urine Y/N Litter, clay or paper Clean 4 + Turn 4 Viva Village: 1st letter Jean Corn, cc: Kathy Brown …

Cat Adoption Team

CAT: Interview 11am-12am Nancy Puro: Volunteer Manager, Teri Weisennberger, Outreach Assistant,

All Configurations (Debug/Release) C/C++ > Command line > Additional options > /D BOOST_ALL_DYN_LIB C/C++ > General > Additional Include Direcotries: $(BOOST_ROOT) C/C++ > Precompile Header > Not Using Precompile Headers C/C++ > Code Gener…

Code Golf - Grid Computing

Code Golf in Dec 2007,0) $<.map{|$_|r=0 (0..9).map{|i|v=$_[3*i..3*i+1].to_i;_[i]+=v;r+=v} _[10]=r if r>_[10]} p _.max size: 116 entry date: 12/24/2007

matlab (octave) "hist" idiom

matlab (and octave) has histogram and 2D data indexing: data = [1, 2, 3, 4; 2, 4, 6, 8; 3, 6, 9, 12; 5, 10, 15, 20]; dmin = min(data(:)) dmax = max(data(:)) his = hist(data(:), (dmin:dmax)); num = sum(his) mean = sum(his .* dmin:dmax) / nu…

C "strtok" idiom in Ruby

In C, "strtok" destructively change a string into a series of strings: char str[] = "begin space tab\t\tcarrige-return\ncomma, period. end"; char delim[] = " \t\n,."; for (char* p = strtok(str,delim); p && printf("%s\n", p); p = strtok(0, …

File Dependency graph and RGL

RGL provides easy manipulation of graph: require 'rgl/adjacency' g = IO.foreach(ARGV.shift) {|line| if line =~ /\s*([^\"]+)[\"\s]*->[\"\s]*([^\"\[\;]+)/ g.add_edge $1, $2 end } p "vertices: #{g.num_vertices}…

File Dependency in "Graphviz dot"

The visualization tool "dot" turns file dependency in a diagram. Given root file(s) , a ruby script below visits dependency files to put directed edges in a "dot" form: out = while path = ARGV.shift File::open(path) {|file| while…

"irb" for Windows Me

My old Windows Me does not like the installed "irb.bat" script. Work around is to copy it to "irb" and edit to remove several top and bottom lines as below: 1,4d0 < @echo off < goto endofruby < #!/bin/ruby < # 24,26d19 < __END__ < :endofru…

ColdeGolf - Tower of Hanoi

Size: 262 (v4) submitted on 4/14/2007 def f(d)(0..2).find{|i|$a[i]&&$a[i][d.to_s]}end def m d,i,j k=(0..2).find{|k|k!=i&&k!=j} m(d-1,i,k)if d>1 puts"#{d} to #{"ABC"[j,1]}" m(d-1,k,j)if d>1 end $a=[];n=0 ($a<

Rinda Primer

[1] Launch a Rinda TupleSpace require 'rinda/tuplespace' DRb.start_service 'druby://:12345', p DRb.uri DRb.thread.join Output provides URI of which machine/port the TupleSpace communicates with.[2] Start a server - in…

GLAT Google Lab Aptitude Test

GLAT Question 17: "Consider a function which, for a given whole number n, returns the number of ones required when writing out all numbers between 0 and n. For example, f(13)=6. Notice that f(1)=1. What is the next largest n such that f(n)…

'Perplexing Puzzlers' for April Fool's Day

NPR Weekend Edition Sunday, April 1, 2007 Puzzle master Will Shortz quizzes:Take the names of two U.S. States, mix them all together, then rearrange the letters to form the names of two other U.S. States. What states are these? A Ruby solu…

Matz' TkLife Resurrected

Original: tklifegame.rb in "O-O Script Language Ruby," by Matz, ASCII 1999 Modifications to run on ruby 1.8: [1] hash clean up (ruby 1.8), "hash[key] = nil" --> "hash.delete key" [2] reduced screen size, 480x480 (tile size 6) --> 400x400 (…

Machine Epsilon - Really?

Function zeros do not necessarily fall on the discretely desirable points. For example, the Colinear checking function shows a pattern of zeros in yellow, positives in red, and negatives in blue. require 'tk' root = $canvas = Tk…

Quaternary Tree

# "Spatial Tessellations: Concepts and Applications of Voronoi Diagrams," 2nd Ed. # A. Okabe, B. Boots, K, Sugihara, S.N. Chiu, Wiley 2000 # p.245 Algorithm 4.3.1, Ch4 Algorithms for Computing Voronoi Diagram # Given randomly generated 2D …

Euler's Totient Function

Euler's phi function: number of coprimes of an integer m phi(m) = m*Prod(1-1/p) [where p: prime number and p|m] def phi(m) r = (2..m) primes = r.inject(r){|p, i|{|n| n==i || n%i!=0}} primes.inject(m){|e, p| e%p==0 ? e/p*(p-1) : e}…

Symbol Golf - Musical Score 2

Thanks to 記号ゴルファーΩ, code I posted on Musical Score reduces its size to 234: _='' $<.map{|$_|_<<chomp} k=a.size/12 (0...k).map{|i|$_=' '*12 (0..11).map{|j|$_[j]=_[k*j+i]} ($-=(~/\|/);$><<"FEDCBAGFE"[$_.index('o')-3,1])if i%4==0 $><<(~/\\{3}/?"/32":~/\\{2}/?"/16":~/\\{1}/?"/8":$-?"/4":'')+' 'if i%4==1…</chomp}>

Code Golf - Musical Score

Code Golf a='' a=a+chomp while gets k=a.size/12 b=' '*12*k for i in 0...k for j in 0...12 b[12*i+j]=a[k*j+i] end $_=b[12*i...12*(i+1)] if i%4==0 print " FEDCBAGFE"[$_.index('o'),1] f=(~/\|/) end if i%4==1 …

Carmichael Numbers

A Carmichael number is an odd composite number n which satisfies Fermat's little theorem a^(n-1)-1=0 (mod n) for every choice of a satisfying (a,n)==1 (i.e., a and n are relatively prime) with 1 r = (2..101) primes = r.inject(r){|p, i| p.s…

Maximum Distance Bisector

about 500 lines of tk codes for Bisector CRUD #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'tk' PntRad = 3 # Point radius of TkcOval ScrHgt = 600 # Screen Hight class Geom Infinity = 10*ScrHgt @@canvas = attr_accessor :g def initialize @g = nil en…

Power Set

class Array def power inject([[]]){|ps, e| ps +{|s| s + [e]}} end end p [1,2,3].power [[], [1], [2], [1, 2], [3], [1, 3], [2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]

Counting Path of Robot Motion

Given a 8 by 8 grid and a robot that moves from the left bottom corner (0, 0) to the right top corner (7, 7) by stepping either right (East) or upward (North) in total 14 steps, find all possible paths.A sample solution: def C(i, j) if i =…