ColdeGolf - Tower of Hanoi

Size: 262 (v4) submitted on 4/14/2007

def f(d)(0..2).find{|i|$a[i]&&$a[i][d.to_s]}end
def m d,i,j
m(d-1,i,k)if d>1
puts"#{d} to #{"ABC"[j,1]}"
m(d-1,k,j)if d>1
($a<<chomp;n+=$_.size)while gets
(1..n).map{|d|i=f d;j=d==n ?2:f(d+1);m d,i,j if i!=j}

Anatomy of Hanoi Golf:

Read stdin to an array "$a" of strings

$a<<chomp while gets

Find the total number of disks "n"


Helper functions

f(d): finds a peg where a disk "d" exists
m(d,i,j): moves a disk "d" from a peg "i" to another peg "j"

Ruby Golfers as of 4/14/2007

-3rd 	adel 		147 	Ruby 	8,775 (v2)
-6th 	flagitious 	159 	Ruby 	8,113 (v11)
-9th 	rampion 	219 	Ruby 	5,890 (v1)

Size 147, wow!